Founded in 1895 as Peiyang University, Tianjin University is the oldest institute of higher education in China, and pioneered the development of modern Chinese education.
Research News
Rare Earth Perovskite Catalyst
Li Xingang, Professor of Tianjin University conducted a study on Perovskite-Type Lean-Burning Nitrogen Oxide Trap Catalyst. Through the research, he found that Perovskite Catalyst, Rare Earth Perovskite Catalyst in particular, has the potential to replace the traditional precious metal catalysts.
2017-11-09 -
TJU Perseveres in Ancient Architecture Surveying and Measuring
Tianjin University excels in ancient architecture surveying and measuring and its work has been put into the national heritage conservation archive
2017-10-30 -
TJU Develops Economical High Performance Plasmonic Materials
A team led by Professor Yang Jing of Tianjin University, exploited a convenient and efficient millisecond-laser-direct-writing in liquid nitrogen (MLDW-LN) technology, which can fabricate 3D aluminum hybrid nanostructures (3D-Al-HNSs) with a high density of plasmonic hot spots.
2017-10-31 -
Qi Juntong’s Team Makes “Brains” and “Arms” for UAVs
Qi Juntong, Professor of the School of Electrical and Information Engineering at Tianjin University, has led his team to build intelligent “brains” and “arms” for UAVs (Unmanned Ariel Vehicles) for the past ten years.
2017-10-23 -
News and Views Article by TJU Professors Published in Nature Materials
A News and Views article by Professors Yan Yin and Michael D. Guiver of Tianjin University, has appeared in the July issue of Nature Materials. It covers a breakthrough for both ultrahigh permeability and good selectivity for gas separations using microporous membranes.
2017-10-09 -
Yujiapu Station with a Large-span Single-layer Dome
Recently, a project led by Professor Chen Zhihua from Tianjin University was awarded the 2017 Special Annual Prize by the China Steel Construction Society (CSCS).
2018-02-06 -
Research on Osteoporosis Published in JAMA
Recently, a research paper “Association Between Calcium or Vitamin D Supplementation and Fracture Incidence in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A systematic Review and Meta-analysis” was published in JAMA.
2018-01-09 -
Research on Methanol as Alternative Fuel to Diesel Oil Wins Outstanding Award
Tianjin University’s research on methanol as an alternative fuel to diesel oil won the second technology invention award for Outstanding Science Research Achievements in Higher Institutions by the Ministry of Education.
2017-12-21 -
Tianjin University Develops Customized Synthetic Microbial Cell Factory
A team led by Zhao Guangrong, a Professor of Tianjin University (TJU), established an artificial biosesynthetic pathway to produce salvianic acid A in an engineered bacterial fermentation process. Results of the breakthrough were published in Metabolic Engineering and Microbial Cell Factories, two ...
2017-12-19 -
Scientists from Tianjin University Restoring the Summer Palace
Tianjin University’s Summer Palace Conservation Team is led by Professor Wang Qiheng, an architect specializing in ancient Chinese buildings, and consists of a dozen members.
2017-11-21 -
“Micro Hand” – a Breakthrough by Tianjin University
Recently, Tianjin University developed a robot system "Micro Hand" successfully, along with several key breakthroughs in minimally invasive surgical robot systems. The Tianjin University team managed to make several improvements in techniques.